Project Management Dashboard Power BI Report

1. Project Overview

The Project Management Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of project performance, tracking key metrics such as budget utilization, task completion, overdue projects, and project cost analysis. The dashboard supports project managers in making data-driven decisions.

2. Objectives

  • Monitor overall project progress and task completion rates.
  • Track budget utilization vs. actual costs.
  • Identify overdue projects and tasks.
  • Compare project performance by category, manager, and priority.
  • Provide cost analysis insights to optimize resource allocation.
  • Offer interactive filters and slicers for deeper analysis.

3. Data Sources & Structure

Tables and Fields

  1. Project Details Table
    • Project ID
    • Project Name
    • Project Manager
    • Project Type
    • Budgeted Cost
    • Actual Cost
    • Budget Utilization (%)
    • Total Tasks
    • Completed Tasks (%)
    • Project Status
    • Task Priority (Critical, High, Medium, Low)
  2. Task Details Table
    • Task ID
    • Task Name
    • Assigned To
    • Task Status
    • Completion %
    • Overdue (Yes/No)
    • Estimated Cost
    • Actual Cost
  3. Time Series Data Table
    • Year
    • Month
    • Budget vs. Cost
    • Task Completion %
  4. Filters & Slicers
    • Project Manager Filter
    • Task Status Filter
    • Year and Month Filter
    • Project Type Filter

4. Data Processing & Transformations

SQL Queries for Data Extraction

    Project_ID, Project_Name, Project_Manager, Project_Type,
    SUM(Budgeted_Cost) AS Budgeted_Cost,
    SUM(Actual_Cost) AS Actual_Cost,
    (SUM(Actual_Cost) / SUM(Budgeted_Cost)) * 100 AS Budget_Utilization,
    COUNT(Task_ID) AS Total_Tasks,
    SUM(CASE WHEN Task_Status = 'Completed' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100.0 / COUNT(Task_ID) AS Task_Completion_Pct,
FROM Project_Details
GROUP BY Project_ID, Project_Name, Project_Manager, Project_Type, Project_Status;

Power Query Transformations

  • Data Cleaning: Remove null values, format dates, and correct data types.
  • Merging Tables: Combine project details and task data.
  • Creating Time Intelligence Columns: Add Task Completion % by month.
  • Flagging Overdue Tasks: Identify overdue projects based on due dates.

5. DAX Measures for Power BI

Budget Utilization (%)

Budget Utilization % =
) * 100

Task Completion Rate (%)

Task Completion % =
    COUNTROWS(FILTER(Task_Details, Task_Details[Task_Status] = "Completed")),
) * 100

Overdue Tasks Count

Overdue Tasks =
COUNTROWS(FILTER(Task_Details, Task_Details[Task_Status] = "Overdue"))

6. Visuals & Dashboard Elements

  1. KPI Cards:
    • Total Projects
    • Total Tasks
    • Total Budget vs. Total Cost
    • Budget Utilization (%)
    • Task Completion (%)
  2. Bar Charts:
    • Projects by Status
    • Projects by Priority
    • Budget Utilization by Project Type
  3. Line Charts:
    • Monthly Trend of Budget vs. Cost
  4. Tables:
    • Project-wise Budget and Cost Analysis
    • Project Manager Performance
    • Overdue Projects and Tasks
  5. Slicers:
    • Project Type, Manager, and Task Status filters

7. Deployment & Performance Optimization

  • Scheduled Data Refresh: Refresh project data weekly.
  • Optimized DAX Queries: Improve performance using calculated columns.
  • Aggregated Tables: Pre-aggregate data for faster performance.

8. Security & Access Control

  • Row-Level Security (RLS): Restrict project data based on user roles.
  • Role-based Access: Define access levels for managers, analysts, and stakeholders.

9. Project Completion Method

Step 1: Data Extraction (SQL Queries)

  • Extract project and task data.
  • Aggregate budget and cost figures.

Step 2: Data Transformation (Power Query)

  • Import and clean data in Power BI.
  • Merge project and task tables.
  • Create calculated columns for overdue tasks and budget utilization.

Step 3: Data Modeling & Relationships

  • Establish relationships between project, task, and time series tables.
  • Optimize performance by creating summarized views.

Step 4: DAX Measures Development

  • Create calculated measures for budget utilization and task completion.
  • Implement time-based calculations for monthly trends.

Step 5: Visualization & Dashboard Building

  • Design KPI cards, charts, and tables.
  • Optimize user experience with interactive filters.

Step 6: Testing & Validation

  • Validate SQL outputs with Power BI reports.
  • Ensure calculations and filters work correctly.

Step 7: Deployment & Optimization

  • Publish the report to Power BI Service.
  • Set up scheduled refresh and security access controls.

10. Expected Outcomes

  • Improved visibility into project performance.
  • Enhanced decision-making for budget management.
  • Better tracking of overdue projects and tasks.
  • Actionable insights for project managers.

Project Management Etended Power BI Report in CSV format. You can download it here:

Developed by Muhammad Zahid

Muhammad Zahid

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