QTD DAX in Power BI: Step-by-Step Guide to Quarter-to-Date Calculations

Quarter-to-Date (QTD) calculations play a crucial role in tracking business performance within an ongoing quarter. In Power BI, DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) provides powerful functions to calculate QTD metrics dynamically, enabling insightful time-based analysis.

In this blog, we’ll explore how to compute QTD using DAX formulas, break down the formula step by step, and guide you on implementing it effectively in Power BI.

DAX Formula for QTD Calculation

To compute QTD, Power BI offers the TOTALQTD function, which helps sum values from the beginning of a quarter up to a given date. Here’s the syntax:

TOTALQTD(<expression>, <dates>[, <filter>])

Parameters Explained:

  • <expression> – The aggregation function (e.g., SUM) that calculates the metric, such as total sales.
  • <dates> – The column containing date values (typically from a Date Table).
  • <filter>(optional) – A condition to filter data before applying the QTD calculation.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implement QTD in Power BI

Step 1: Ensure You Have a Date Table

A well-structured Date Table is essential for QTD calculations. It should include:

A continuous sequence of dates
A Quarter column to distinguish quarters
A Year column to differentiate between different years

If you don’t have a Date Table, create one using DAX:

DateTable = ADDCOLUMNS(CALENDAR(DATE(2020,1,1), DATE(2030,12,31)), 
    "Year", YEAR([Date]), 
    "Quarter", FORMAT([Date], "Q")

Step 2: Establish a Relationship Between the Tables

Link your fact table (e.g., Sales) to your Date Table using the date column. This relationship ensures that QTD calculations work correctly across time periods.

Step 3: Write the QTD Measure

Now, let’s create a DAX measure to calculate Quarter-to-Date (QTD) Sales:

QTD Sales = TOTALQTD(SUM(Sales[SalesAmount]), 'Date'[Date])

This measure dynamically aggregates sales from the start of the quarter to the selected date in the report.

Step 4: Break Down the Formula

SUM(Sales[SalesAmount]) → Calculates the total sales amount
'Date'[Date] → Ensures calculations respect the date table
TOTALQTD(...) → Computes sales from the beginning of the quarter to the current date

Step 5: Visualizing QTD in Power BI

To display QTD Sales in a report:

Insert a Table or Chart in Power BI
Drag and Drop the QTD Sales measure
Apply Filters (e.g., Slicers for Year & Quarter) to dynamically view QTD results


QTD calculations in DAX are invaluable for tracking business performance within a quarter. By using TOTALQTD, you can easily compute quarter-to-date metrics and gain valuable insights.

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